Check-in times

Please read the important information below before departure. Passengers, who do not meet the conditions below, will not get permission to travel with Norröna and will be considered as "no-show" this means that the ticket will not be refunded.

Passengers with special needs
Passengers with special needs are kindly asked to meet at check-in no later than 2 hours prior to departure. Please inform us at check-in about your particular needs, and we will try to help you best (eg. let you park your car near the on-board elevator, help you to and from the disability cabin, etc.). While we do our best, you can expect waiting time in connection with departure and arrival.


Check-in opening times
04.01 - 30.05.2024 
Monday: 11.00
Thursday: 18.00

02.06 - 28.08.2024
Sunday: 20.00
Wednesday: 13.00
Friday: 23.00

Check-in deadlines
Travelers with Norröna are asked to meet at check-in no later than:

With vehicle: 1.5 hour before departure
Without vehicle: 1 hour before departure

Show terminal on Google Maps.


Check-in opening times
06.01 - 25.05.2024
Saturday: 12.00 

04.06 - 03.09.2024
Tuesday: 08.30
Saturday: 11.30

Check-in deadlines
Travelers with Norröna are asked to meet at check-in no later than:

To Tórshavn:
With vehicle: 1.5 hour before departure
Without vehicle: 1 hour before departure

To Seyðisfjarðar:
With vehicle: 2 hours before departure
Without vehicle: 1 hour before departure

Show terminal on Google Maps.


Check-in opening times
20.03 - 29.05.2024
Wednesday: 16.30

06.06 - 05.09.2024
Thursday: 07.00

Check-in deadlines
Travelers with Norröna are asked to meet at check-in no later than:

To Tórshavn:
With vehicle: 1.5 hour before departure
Without vehicle: 1 hour before departure

To Hirtshals:
With vehicle: 2 hours before departure
Without vehicle: 1 hour before departure

Show terminal on Google Maps.

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